Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Really. Bad. Children.

Hi to the zero people reading this! ha ha? Well, both of us (posters) have finished school for the semester. We just have a summer of workin' our behinds off. This means that we'll start up with regular posts! (hopefully).

I have too many things to say so I'll get to posting those over the next few days. In the mean time, I have a somewhat unrelated issue to address briefly. Both of us (posters, let's just assume that's what I mean from now on) serve at restaurants. I've noticed, and this hasn't just been at work, that a lot of newer parents are for the most part spoiling their kids rotten, and letting them get away with whatever they want. What's behind this change, and what happened to hard-ass parenting? (Come on people, this is Americuh) Thoughts?